My backstory

My original personal blog is located here: My 30 Project

I started My 30 Project the year before I turned 30 as a fun "bucket list" type of project with a good girlfriend of mine.  I had so much fun with the project that I kept up the blog for sometime after.

When Reece died I initially felt the need to write.  Less than a week after my son was born and died at 22 weeks gestation I wrote this post:  Yesterday I Had a Son.  The response I received as a result of that blog from my immediate community and from many strangers beyond that was incredible.  That post reached so many and spoke to so many in a way I never anticipated.

I wrote this post as a thank you to those people who cared for me during that dark, dark time: 1 week

But then something happened.  For the remainder of 2014 I found myself unable to write. Functioning, sort of.  My relationship fell apart.  Grief had gotten the best of it, and me.  I struggled to keep it together, to keep life "normal" for my daughter.  2014 was a very sad time for me.

I decided to start this blog as a way of honoring my son.  To tell all of the stories that have swirled through my head over the past year.  My ultimate goal is to be like those babyloss mamas whose blogs I read when I was in my darkest moments.  To be a friend to someone who needs it, like my amazing friends were to me.  I hope that in someone else's dark time they can read something that I have written, and feel and encouraged and hopeful.

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